รถกระเช้ายกสูง อเนกประสงค์
- ERREPPI All-terrain 4x4 tractor with central oscillation pivot ±15°
- YANMAR LN100 Motor Engine Diesel fuel, 11Hp
- Working height 12m
- Carrying capacity 150Kg
- Air Compressor 556 lt/min
- Max pressure 10 BAR
- Electric power outlet AC230V in the basket (gensetNOT include)
- ERREPPI All-terrain 4x4 tractor with central oscillation pivot ±15°
- YANMAR LN100 Motor Engine Diesel fuel, 11Hp
- Working height 14m
- Carrying capacity 150Kg
- Air Compressor 556 lt/min
- Max pressure 10 BAR
- Electric power outlet AC230V in the basket (gensetNOT include)